Orange Clignotant
WeForest partner since 2018
Orange Clignotant is restoring 13.17 ha by growing an estimated 15,806 trees

From 2019 onwards, Orange Clignotant is committed to eco-compensates every film produced.

It seems unthinkable to us that a company, at this point in time, still confines itself to exist through the exclusive pursuit of its profit.
Doesn’t the increasingly significant revelation of global issues sufficiently demonstrate that, without firm, concrete and decisive undertakings by businesses in return for their activities (however legitimate they may be), their profits derive from irrevocable degradations towards the whole humanity, present and future?
Far from a heavy moral, it is above all about an enthusiastic and meaningful commitment for the entire company, its staff and its customers.

Alexis de la Croix
Co-founder and Managing Director of Orange Clignotant
A few years ago, I was struck by the mention of eco-compensation already made to the credits of Yann Arthus-Bertrand's films. When we met WeForest, we were really delighted: their very concrete projects allow us to make this dream a reality.