WeForest partner since 2022
Example is restoring 0.00 ha by growing an estimated 1 trees

Can you guess the names of the tree species in the image below?

Answer: they are Miombo trees in Malawi (in order left to right from your picture):

1- Nanyowe: Syzgium cordatum; 2- Nkundi: Parkia filcoidia; 3- Kweranyani - Newtonia buchanii; 4- Mpoza: Anona senegalensis; 5- Masuku: Uapaca kirkiana; 6- Nsopa: Bridelia micrantha; 7- Ndundira: Antidesma venosum; 8- Mbawa: Khaya anthotheca; 9- Phwizo: not sure; 10- Msambamfumu: Afzelia quanzensis

Photo (C) Ruben Foquet, WeForest

John Smith
Founder and CEO
This is a dream coming true! Growing trees with our clients and candidates is an innovative approach to engage our network in our brand's commitment to a healthy, sustainable growth for all. We believe in giving back. We want to make this world a better place and believe in benefiting the planet and people over profits.
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